Long 4c Natural Hair Case Study: Chery818

Chery818 is a youtuber of Haitian descent who has catalogued her natural hair for several years. I have selected her as the case study feature as her shrinkage is quite atypical for 4c hair. Her hair will shrink but because she controls it very well (e.g washing hair in sections and in twists, styling in stretched styles), she does not really ever showcase complete tightly shrunk hair.

She is also the author of one of the most detailed finger detangling videos which is a must have for anyone attempting to finger detangle for the first time or intending to try it exclusively. She does not by any means vlog on a set schedule but the few videos she puts up are always informative and honest.

Here are her stats in the usual case study format!

Long 4C Natural Hair Case Study: Chery818

Hair Length Between BSL and Waist length
ShrinkageMedium to Low (BSL to Shoulder Length)
Strand Thickness  Thick
Overall Hair Density High Density
Time Taken to Reach Longest Length Not clear because she has been natural for approximately 9 years but no fixed point when she started growing her hair long intentionally

Styling for Length Retention Protective style - generally twisted styles worn for about 2, 3 or 4 weeks at a time
Moisturising Routine Does not have a set routine, but states it is important
Detangling Method Dry finger detangling exclusively (does use combs for parting and styling)
Washing Routine No set schedule, Generally once every 2,3 or 4 weeks
Trimming Routine Only cuts knots or split ends (search and destroy)

Medium and fine tooth combs and detangling wet hair Caused knotting and breakage

The selected highlight video from her channel, definitely has to be her finger detangling video!

The data in the table above is compiled from the following sources
1. Chery818 on Youtube

*Disclaimer: Please note that hair typing is NOT a science, for the purpose of this series, the people featured are identified solely by me (Jc) as having 4c hair characterised by a tight curl and high shrinkage. Many people with 4c hair may identify their hair as 4a/4b if they are following the actual book reference for hair type which does not include 4c. 4c was created by natural hair forums to describe high shrinkage hair


  1. So this is interesting. What are the purpose of your case studies, is it to show diverse results amongst similar hair types. I liked this I will go back and read the rest of your case studies!

    1. There are multiple reasons for doing these case studies.

      1. To show that 4c hair is showcased online
      2. To show that long 4c hair is possible and detail how this can be achieved
      3. To show that people with long 4c hair have diverse methods but also strong general principles e.g protective styling, having a trimming method, avoiding tangling etc


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