Long 4c Natural Hair Case Study: Jennifer Agwunobi - bootyfurl

Jennifer is my featured 4c case study this week because she ticks several boxes:
-UK natural
-African heritage
-Possibly the longest 4c natural head of hair that I have seen

I do hear quite a bit of moaning about the dearth of UK naturals but I think the reason for this is that many simply do not blog or vlog. I would challenge you to walk down any street in London and fail to spot at least one natural head peaking out between the endless body wave wigs (not picking on you if you are wearing one but they are ubiquitous). However, if you are keen to find a long haired 4c natural from UK, Jennifer is a great choice.

Here are her stats gleaned from the various interviews she has given:

Long 4C Natural Hair Case Study: Jennifer Agwunobi-bootyfurl

Hair Length Tailbone/Hip Length
ShrinkageHigh- Hip Length to Shoulder Length
Strand Thickness  Medium to Thick
Overall Hair Density Medium
Time Taken to Reach Longest Length Approximately 4 years

Styling for Length Retention Stretched protective style
Protect hair at night, low heat, gentle handling
Moisturising Routine No fixed routine, but states it is a must
Detangling Method Finger detangling exclusively for the last 2 years
Washing Routine No fixed routine
Using hair combs

The data in the table above is compiled from the following sources
1. LHCF testimonial by Jennifer - here
2. BGLH interview - here
3. Jennifer's youtube channel - here
4. Jennifer's blog - here

*Disclaimer: Please note that hair typing is NOT a science, for the purpose of this series, the people featured are identified solely by me (Jc) as having 4c hair characterised by a tight curl and high shrinkage. Many people with 4c hair may identify their hair as 4a/4b if they are following the actual book reference for hair type which does not include 4c. 4c was created by natural hair forums to describe high shrinkage hair.


  1. She reminds me (in looks) of Evelyn (from-the-internets). I wonder if their familes are from the same region/country in Africa

    1. OMG! They look like sisters!

    2. lol I am pretty sure they are not related. Evelyn is from East Africa, and most probably Kenya and Kikuyu (Ngugi being her surname) and Jennifer is from UK but her surname is of West African heritage likely to be Nigerian and probably Yoruba. These are my deductions based on the fact that I am African and used to African names, so similar hair but polar opposites in terms of region. I could be wrong but I doubt it :)

    3. Her hair is awesome. I've saved her site for future reference for the next time someone makes the the ignorant comment about 4c hair not growing long. By the way, I'm certain her last name is Igbo and not Yoruba.

  2. Thanks so much for featuring me!

    You're amazing :)

    Jennifer Agwunobi

  3. Hopefully, one day you'll feature me on this list for the exact same reasons JC... ;)

  4. ehm..... there was also sera2544 and xodvf.

    1. All on my list for future features, this is a continuing series :)

  5. wow only 4years? her hair is so fluffy! my friend from the UK thinks Canada, at least Toronto is a weave nation because of the number of weave wearers she sees daily. Apparently more women in the UK wear their hair out, either texturized, relaxed or natural.


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