Can a twist/braid protective style be beautiful?

It is another Friday and time for another cute shortish natural hairstyle. This is from the very creative Caphale of froenvy and she has turned protective styling into something quite beautiful. Quite often I hear protests about how boring protective styling can be but surely this breaks the mould of what protective styling can be. (I also love the names she uses to describe the styles!)

First is the the structured whimsy where the braids are styled into one large plait in the front and a french twist at the back

The second style is the ocean front where she overlaps the braids into pin curls and then does one french braid at the back


  1. I will definitely be trying these. M hair is in mini twists right now and these looks easy to do and beautiful! Thanks for posting!

  2. Pretty protective style! All I wear is protective styles. Protective styling really works for me! I am going to try those styles for my hair. (SW)

  3. Cute styles! But jc wapi picha zako?? *I want to see your haiiiirrrrrr* :D :D

  4. Her hair is so cute!! There are so many things we can do with our hair.

  5. Very cute styles. This is giving me inspiration to change from my boring buns that I wear daily.

  6. Ooh, those styles are so cute.

  7. I really liked both styles, I need a bit of inspiration today.

  8. Super cute! I love her blog. Thanks for the post!

  9. What you can do with protective styling depends on the length of your hair, these styles are just not possible with my hair for now but very beautiful and inspiring.

  10. Thanks all, do make sure you stop by Caphale's blog, she has quite a few more hairstyles.

    Mad about my Fro - I stopped by your blog and in my opinion yes you can do these styles with your current hair length. Pin curls only require about 6 inches of hair, you can make the diameter of the curl smaller. I also thing the front braid generally works but it may just not go over your forehead. You would have to see if it works with your face shape or change it to a regular french braid without necessarily placing the hair forwards.


    pretty love the blog

  12. Wow... its fro envy again. I was on retro natrual when i say this blog and then this post abt froenvy. I just a style inspired by her. I like her hair! nice protective styles.

  13. you just saved me 90euros, pictures on your fb page.

  14. Love that you tried the style out Mad About My Fro!!

    Valarie - Retro Natural is on of my current fave blogs!!


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