Cheeky and Sweet: Can I get a picture?

I had a lovely cheeky email which I'd love to share. "I am an avid reader of your blog and really I can see the effort that you dedicate to finding out the scientific truths. I hope I don't offend you by asking this but the one thing I really don't know is exactly how your hair looks like. You do give great advice but I would like to see the hair of the person who gives it. I am guessing you must practice what you preach, right? In which case your hair must be fly. Can we get some pictures, I ask on behalf of many others too you know *wink* *wink*. I'm also curious what your full name is too, is it Jacqueline or Jennifer or Janet? If you won't say your name, you can atleast put up some pictures?! Okay, really all I want is the pictures *smile*. " I love cheeky people because they always make me smile and seriously, no offense taken at all! I definitely think that you should always ask for exactly what you want, what's the worst that can happen? I am all about the science, I don't like to give personal hair advice and tend to prefer to source out information on hair care. As a scientist I view my strengths as being able to seek out, understand and interpret research so it can be easily understood by all. For this reason, my pictures don't feature anywhere. I just would like the blog to be a resource for people to find out the 'scientific truths' as you put it. It is not about how I style my hair. There are loads of blogs and fotkis dedicated to this. I love flattery too, lol. I like my own hair and yes I think it is very sexy and fly. I can stare at it all day, some days I literally have to stop myself (seriously lol!). I would like to encourage everyone to feel the same about their own hair, it is very self affirming to know that you are beautiful. I think there are so many healthy hair models for all hair types, textures and lengths. Miss L over at BGLH really wants a pic too so if I ever decide to post one up, it will be over there, I already promised it to her! Jc is one of the nicknames that my husband gave to me. I kinda like it, but no it does not stand for Janet or Jacqueline lol. I think it may be a scientist thing to not use your 'government name' on a blog. Some are cleverer than others for example Sarah Bellum on BeautyBrains sounds a little bit like Cerebellum........clever isn't it? Could be a real name too but I doubt it lol. Before setting up my own blog, I always commented under my nickname Jc therefore, I kept it going rather than being the scientist formerly known as Jc. So there you have it, mystery unveiled.....or not lol. Image Credit


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. lol...that's funny. i never really thought about the fact that there were no hair pictures on this blog. i am just fascinated by the science as well, so i appreciate your dedication to staying focused on what makes your blog unique.

  3. hehe funny you brought up pictures. i've got one up with my most recent post but it won't be there forever ;) and i'll also be waiting for a pic! you mentioned your hair was shoulder-length at BGLH so at least i know one thing about your hair. haha i love being cheeky myself.

  4. Oh it WAS shoulder length 3 years ago. It may be longer, it may be shorter :)

  5. no way! is that a riddle? oh well i guess i'll wait for that picture.

  6. Doesn't bother me about the picture thing, though I know many are curious. :-)

    I really prefer just to read your input and opinion on ingredients and how they may effect an individual's hair. Call me weird but I'm really just on all of these blogs for the knowledge and insight into natural hair. :-)
    I'm a closet nerd shhh LOL.

  7. lol @closet nerd. Yep I think there are loads of blogs for different reasons and they all can contribute to every aspect of natural hair from acceptance to politics to styling to celebration.

  8. Yes I'd like a pic too :). I do think like on forums we use nicknames and on fotkis too so I think this is normal. Cool blog

  9. awww! That's cute :) I'll be watching BLHG for the picture! :)

  10. Sarah Bellum is also the name of that red hair secretary with the big curly hair from the Powerpuff Girls (Woo for the 90s!) :)


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