My very first email

Ok, so I have already done my mandatory blog post for Saturday but then yesterday, I received my first email which was surprising because I had not yet posted anything, so thank you very much for the email. However, that said, the email itself was like a hot steaming turd (that’s English for a number 2) through my mailbox. The lady was not happy (and I mean NOT HAPPY) that I had listed K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Sista) as one of the blogs that I follow. I will not post any part of the email but I will address her listed grievances since one person being vocal probably means there may be others who may feel the same. Yes, I really do follow K.I.S.S! I am a natural lady with no intention of ever relaxing my hair and I love positive and upbeat people and Traycee is one of those people. We are multifaceted human beings, a person’s hair does not dictate who they are. No, I do not comment on K.I.S.S because I have nothing to comment on. I think her site is mostly tailored to hair care for relaxed hair and I know nothing about that. My previous experience with relaxed hair ended up with my hair on the floor and I don’t think K.I.S.S readers want to hear from me. A lot of her advice is useful for people wanting longer hair – meaning keep your hair in protective styles and keep it moisturised, eat well and exercise. The message doesn’t change for natural hair or relaxed hair. Does this mean I’m endorsing K.I.S.S? Going by the number of times I’ve mentioned the site, you would think so lol. However, there is no endorsement or advertisement deal. Just because I like a particular blog does not mean others will. I do list it because I actually like it. Am I encouraging other women to relax because they see Traycee’s hair? I do strongly believe that once someone decides natural hair is for them, then they will stick with it and work with it. Some women will come to that decision immediately, others will cycle through relaxed and natural phases, others may never want natural hair. These are just the facts, there is no arm twisting involved to change people’s mind. I love a good debate, so let's hear it, natural girl following a relaxed girl site, is it harmful?


  1. WOW! I cannot believe some people. Just like a situation that happen to me online where someone thought i was claiming to have type 3a/b hair... which i do not.

    if someone (natural) would like to view a relaxed sistas hair, how is that harmful? To embrace, support and love one another is such a simple yet beautiful thing to do but, people struggle with this day in and day out.

    Excuse me but some people truly need to focus and more important things in life than if "a natural going onto a relax woman's site".

    she's a beautiful woman, traycee and i respect her for helping others have healthy relaxed hair.

  2. I am of a similar opinion, I respect all points of view and we can amicably agree to disagree.

  3. I think it's cool to appreciate and learn from all types of people. To say you shouldn't is reminiscent of how we as a people (and I mean Black people here but also works for other people of color)are pitted against one another for skin tone, socioeconomic status, HAIR TEXTURE, etc. The more we learn from each other the better. Natural hair is not a religion that needs to go around converting others to follow its way of doing things. The beauty in being natural is the freedom to choose.

  4. i am a member at k.i.s.s. the information i've accrued from there has helped me maintain being natural for three years and counting. besides, the site isn't dedicated only to the relaxed gals, there are naturals on the site as well. i wonder if the person that was complaining is even aware of that.

  5. I think KISS is a nice blend of relaxed, naturals and transitioners...and really each to their own as to where they want to spend their time and who they want to endorse...its nobody elses business!

  6. Of course, I love the idea of K.I.S.S. and other sites like it which consist of ladies with natural, permed, texlaxed etc... hair all out in the pursuit of plain ole healty hair. I am also a member as well as a member of a similar site Hairlista :o)

  7. I find this hilarious!! I will check out K.I.S.S to see what the fuss is all about. I just stumbled upon your blog by the way, great work.Thanks for putting this out there for everyone, and for the blog list too. Have a great day

  8. I'm a K.I.S.S. member. It was my first "go to" site when I started my natural hair journey and I still visit to this very day. Although I'm intensely loving the ever-growing natural hair movement, I'm not a natural nazi. If this chick actually went to the site, she would find that there are naturals there too.

  9. I didn't believe in "scab hair", and even now I'm still skeptical. I did find that the front of my hair was a different texture for a while, and it was cut very low. I'm more likely to take the theory that much of the hair wasnt cut off AND it grows slower then the rest. I say this b/c I also had a red rinse and the front of my hair also had a reddish tent to it for a while as well. Not as red as the relaxed ends, but clearly more red then the all natural hair.

  10. No, I don't think there is any harm in naturals looking at a relaxed hair site and/or blog. I've gotten some good tips from relaxed hair sites. I learned how to roller set my hair when I was transitioning from a relaxed hair site. Also I learned how to apply my hair products in three levels (front, middle, and back) from a relaxed hair site just to name a few. I've never been on K.I.S.S, but I will check them out (for the individual that sent you the email "Didn't expect that to happen, did you?... Okay, I'm just playin', but I'm just sayin' though LOL). It's unfortunate that someone sent you "a piece of their mind" for what you like to do. If the site is what you like to view and is helpful to you and you want to share that with others, so be it; "THIS IS YOUR HAVEN" [and ours too ;-)]. Now, that individual is also entitled to their own opinion. For me, I like to know what's working for all hair types and textures (product reviews, applications tips, etc.) even though I like finding out more information about others with similar hair like mine. Being on the Internet, I've noticed that some people are more comfortable sharing negativity (i.e. not liking you for supporting a relaxed hair site) instead of promoting positivity (i.e. that you started this "haven" and sharing your time and knowledge with us). So I'm going to give you your "props" and say in my best Martin Lawrence impression, "You go, girl" LOL and THANK YOU, I'm so glad that you have :-D!


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