Vote for Amina

Voting starts today for Bobbi Brown's Pretty Powerful contest. I did just check the website and they have not yet updated it for voting but I'm sure this is just a time zone difference.

If you can make it down there, please support a beautiful natural and vote for Amina of Coup de Coeur!

Here is the contest site
Here is my previous post with links to Amina's site


  1. oh my god!! Thank you sooooooooooo much!! You are the best!! I am also checking the website every 5 anxious! we just received an email saying that they are still compiling all the videos and it should be up before the end of the day. THANK YOU so much for your support!

  2. You're welcom. I've checked it about 5 times today lol. I'm glad they've let you know what is going on. I want to sneak in a couple of votes by voting here at work and then again at home. Hopefully the site is up before I go home!

  3. yeah!! will vote later today;-)!!

  4. Amina. I loved loved loved your video. If i did not know you, I'll still have voted for you. Quel Charme!!!!! Sweet!Pretty powerfull. I actually think YOU make the makeup look powerfull with your personality

  5. Thanks Chai and Kadiane. You are right Kadiane, it was such a cute video in its own right.

  6. I have voted for Amina, thanks for reminding us about this Jc! Lets keep voting ladies for women who truly represent the beauty and radiance of black women!!

  7. Thank you for this, I voted!


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